Monday, September 21, 2009

Assistant Transportation Engineer Job Market...

So today I got an email about a job I applied for. Or so it seemed.

Hi Donson,

I am checking in on your employment situation. If you are in the Banking/Mortgage job market or if you are seeking career contacts in the Hacienda Heights area, please visit this site...

Victor Davis

xxxxx x. xxxxxx., xxx xxx
Scottsdale, AZ xxxxx

This employer-like email was obviously generated by information I submitted to one of the several job search engines by an algorithm someone was too lazy to program to sound more human-like. "this site" links to a linkedin-like job networking registration page.

How are there more job search/professional networking sites than there are jobs? I sign up for a new jobsearchnetworking site every time I apply to a job. I essentially have to submit 2 sets of information for every 1 job. Consequently the movie Brazil is not as far fetched as I thought. This is ridiculous and depressing.


  1. Sorry, that blows.

    I fell asleep during Brazil. Is it worth watching?

    I ALSO got an automated response, but it was just a plain ol rejection for a job I wasn't super qualified for.

    "Dear Applicant,

    Requisition 001651, Job Title Research Lab Technician II, has been filled. Please visit our website,, to review our open positions. We appreciate your interest in employment with The University of Southern California."


  2. i search craiglist job listings every morning. i applied for a few. and then saw that a few are often relisted. am i not qualified? i'm pretty sure i applied at least three times to the same repeated job posting.. wtf. UGHGHGHGHG.
