Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Since it's Monday, I'd figure I'll post a post of what I have done and will possibly today. It will probably be more exciting than what I was doing working. Let's hope it is.

9:43 AM
Just finished filing for unemployment again. I failed to enter my correct social security number the first try 2 weeks ago, so I had to start all over.

9:45 AM
Breakfast. This is the first time I've eaten oatmeal in this particular bowl. This is my favorite bowl in the house. Notice the semicircular fish. I eat oatmeal for breakfast (Market Pantry Instant Oatmeal: Maple and Brown Sugar) if you were wondering what that gross looking stuff is.
Go to 24 Hour Fitness to play basketball with homie Kenny. He's pretty intense. He also got me on that church basketball league that I was playing in on Saturday mornings.


Yogurtland? Really depends if anyone wants to go.

It looks like it will be a really nice day today, so I wanna say I'll go bike riding or running. Most probably running as Tim and Angus are probably gonna go running in Whittier around 5 ish.

Dinner at home! I really hope it's not pork chops again. Or maybe I do, I can't decide.

Job Search!
List of companies to apply/look into:
Avalon Eng, Inc.

The second one looks strange as they don't leave any contact info in their job posting.


  1. O yeah... I guess it is Tuesday. Ha ha.

  2. that's what happens when days don't matter anymore... everyday is anyday. but my day is still better than yours. :) harrr.
