Thursday, April 30, 2009

Man Growth and Aerobics

I have not shaven since my birthday. I have quite a wild beard going. My roomate Andrew offered to pay my share of utilities and/or make me the best prime rib dinner ever if I left it growing for three more weeks. I don't know though, its getting itchy.

Yesterday I tried a group excercise class at the 24 hour fitness with Vanessa. I got worked, and now I'm sore. They don't eff around, those aerobics instructors. And since I didn't know her Aerobics jargon, I couldn't keep up ... I was always a move too late. It was pretty funny - I probably looked pretty rediculous. I was so intently focusing on the old lady in front of me to at least keep up with her. Man, I can't wait to do it again.


  1. hahaha, you need to show them your own hurr-moves ;) hurrr.

  2. i did step aerobics once in middle school for p.e.. i remember it being crazy intense. and a full body work out... it was also the first time i heard techno/trance/house music. our instructor would have us do routines to those kinds of music. yay sarina paris!
