Thursday, April 23, 2009

lunch on wednesday

amanda, oracio and i
had lunch on wednesday in the student center terrace

a professor was speaking about how
earth day
should be renamed to
exploit the earth day


i only heard the first part of what he was saying
and the gist of it was...

care about the environment
more than they care about people
so that means
to be an environmentalist
essentially means
environment > people
death to people

that's why we should celebrate
exploit earth day

if not for people exploiting the earth
we wouldn't have
the clothes on our backs
the roofs over our heads
the ipods in our hands


and then a 4th year student approached
amanda, oracio and i
to ask a few questions about
being asian pacific islander (api)
& our thoughts and opinions on
interracial interactions & relationships

we had a good discussion
& i know we probably gave him much more thoughtful responses
than his other participants.

i enjoy lunch on the terrace.


  1. The faculty member's argument is logically flawed:

    First premise: "environmentalists care about the environment more than they care about people."

    Second Premise/Sub-conclusion: "so that means to be an environmentalist essentially means environment > people."(restatement of the first premise in terms of a conditional statement.)

    conclusion: "so death to people."

    The only thing that would guarantee the validity of this argument is if the faculty member assumes that if you believe [environment > people] then you believe [environment > people will kill people].

    You can't do that; its circular reasoning.

    Thanks LSAT. -_-

  2. haha. i only heard the first part of his speech. he might've elaborated on his reasonings. i spoke later with a friend who heard the rest of what he said, and mentioned that the professor talking a lot about being a free-market society and capitalism. and the conclusion of 'death to people' was a conclusion that i came too, from what i understood from what i had heard. yes.

  3. Good advice though. I learned a lot.
