Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tutoring, internet games, summer!

So as you all know, I started my summer vacation. It's pretty nice living at home; I really don't have complaints. It's surprising how fast you can get used to not having to use a heat dish to fall asleep.

I have also fallen back on tutoring as a way of making menial income. I doubt I'll be able to make enough to cover bills, but I don't have to go to the ATM anymore. My checking account is thankful.

I started this internet game where you make your own little person, and they fight with your friends. I have a dog! A virtual one. Click above if you wanna settle internet differences with me in the arena.


  1. how do i fight?!? aaaah. you win.

  2. wait. so u moved back home home? out of the garage?

  3. are we still up for this coming monday?

  4. Yeah, this is really confusing. There's 4 authors on this blog. But yes to Monday.
