Monday, April 27, 2009

my bike day

saturday >> early afternoon:
benedict and i went biking along the Newport Back Bay biking trail. the starting point was Deerfield and it took about 2 hrs to bike to Fashion Island because we frequently stopped to look at the local ducks, squirrels, bunnies, birds, and lizards searching for food in the "sewer river" that runs along irvine.

saturday >> late afternoon:
after over 2 hrs biking, we felt it necessary that we treat ourselves to Yard House in Fashion Island. Unfortunately, Fashion Island does not have bike racks anywhere on their "island", so we had to tie our bikes to some bench near the restaurant. the security guard said he would keep an eye.

we ordered too much at yard house and ended up getting a doggie bag. we returned to our bikes, tied to the doggie bag to one of the handles and power biked all the way back to deerfield in about an hr.

>> the next accesory i'm going to buy for my bike will be a basket :)

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