Sunday, April 19, 2009

hello sun :)

my weekend in a few words or less.

afrikan student and family day
american indian friends and family day
riding the shuttle tour on ring road
the goosey wayz
earth day raffle
free tote bag
thai food and salty eggrolls
coconut juice
napping on the ccc floor
pause for a cause: critic choice award!
paper furniture
happy hour@tgif

corona del mar
hardcore sand castle builders
very very cold salty water
mira's quest for honey wine
sun burnt

oh! and jose's birthday was tons of fun
dancing at florentine's was bomb. you all missed out


  1. Critic's Choice Award really means, this is the best video which wasn't made by a frat/skeezball

    Also at Jose's birthday, those ribs and free mac&cheese refills were delicious.

  2. extra plus on the mac, it was bombilicious! Florentines was way cool... I paid the bouncer so I could get in. Amanda Napier does not wait in lines.
