Friday, April 24, 2009

freeform blog entry

I'm trying to stay off Gchat to see if I can get more work done. It kinda works. Although, the truth about work is that the more you get done, the more work you get.

In terms of lunch, its been a great week. On Wednesday, we had free Maggiano's in commemoration of Staff Appreciation Week. I certainly felt appreciated ... and full. Today we will have free Sgt. Pepperoni's ... it's someone's birthday.

My throat is kinda disgusting right now. It kinda hurts. Yesterday I went to the doctor to try out my new insurance (!!!! exciting !!!!); but the doctor said it was nothing and gave me free samples of allergy medicine. I was hoping I got to use my prescription drug coverage at least. Damn it.

I have lots of studying to do and I want a study buddy.

Also, thanks to all for coming out on friday. We danced too, just not at Florentine's and just not for a cover charge.

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